Martin Luther "Faith Resides Under the Left Nipple" Greeting Card with Breast Lined Envelope

Martin Luther "Faith Resides Under the Left Nipple" Greeting Card with Breast Lined Envelope

This gem of a card was magic when it came together. The quote randomly appeared to me and the sheet of paper with various breast illustrations was sitting on my desk begging to be used...e viola!

This card is really an inspirational card about what lies behind the left nipple - no, not the masses of tissue, but the heart below it. On the left side of our breast/chest area lies our heart. Everyone has breast plates and nipples whether there are masses underneath them. Please do not come at me with gender identity politics -this card is about faith, inspiration, with a bit of cheek! For example, I gave this card to a guy I'm friends with as a thank you for always having faith in me and he loved it.

Make this card your own. Give it to a friend battling breast cancer or depression. Give it to a new parent struggling to breast/chest feed. Give it to anyone having a hard time listening to their heart. Give it to anyone really post pandemic. We can all use a bit of faith. Always.

Cards are standard A2 size (4.25x5.5 inches), blank inside. All cards come with a chartreuse green colored envelope lined with paper covered in various types and sizes of breasts. Printed on recycled white-ish card stock. Card is properly credited to Martin Luther.

If you have any questions, send me a message!
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