These United States "We're Going Out With Our Hearts Strapped..." Greeting Card with Lined Envelope

These United States "We're Going Out With Our Hearts Strapped..." Greeting Card with Lined Envelope

This is one of my favorite song lyrics EVER. The Band known as tus, or These United States, is no longer a traveling/active band, but boy did I love them when they were. And I still do now, many, many years later. Their lead singer and song writer, Jesse Elliot allows me usage of his song lyrics, cause we're friends, and I knew it was time to use it on a card. This card. Made just in time for Valentine's Day 2023.

I made this card in honor of Valentine's Day, but it's really a card of courage. A reminder that love requires boldness. Our greatest risks, moments, embarrassments, and fears are connected to love. When we choose to move from love or share love, we are in fact being authentically wearing our hearts outside of our self. It takes true bravery to do this, especially after constantly having our hearts beaten up. Don't forget, our hearts are muscles that require practice...

Share your love please. Not just this Valentine's Day, but every day. Strap your heart across your chest and GO!

Cards are standard A2 size (4.25x5.5 inches), blank inside. All cards come with recycled content white envelope lined with a heart and dotted paper handmade by artisans in India. Printed on 30% recycled white card stock. Card is properly credited to one of my favorite bands, These United States.

If you have any questions, send me a message!
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