To get involved, grab your tools and please sign up by using the following form link
Within 24 hours, you’ll receive an email with information, as well as a reminder of the guidelines detailed on the form.
We ask that you submit your letter within two weeks of the date you receive the email with the packet.
Please, share with your friends and family! Follow us on instagram or on Facebook. If posting your letter yourself, please use the hashtags: #lettersoflove, #lettersoflovehearteds2, #HeartedS2, #lettersforchange, #wordsarerevolutionary, #lettersofrevolution
If you are a stationery maker and would like to become a part of the Stationers in Solidarity program, helping heartedS2 to get more letters written, documented, and delivered to impacted people and politicians, please email me directly at saras at hearteds2 dot love
If you are affiliated with an NGO or Politician that would like to be a part of this, please also email me directly at saras at hearteds2 dot love.
Let’s collect as many letters as possible and stand in solidarity for a better world.