Bumper Sticker - Save Our Oceans/Blue Lives Do Matter

Bumper Sticker - Save Our Oceans/Blue Lives Do Matter


This little piece of sticker is not just what it looks like - meant for your car bumper, but as you can see from the second photo, can sit on your desk like how my friend has it - her original plan was to put it on a water bottle, but she hasn’t yet. Anyhow, this sticker is for wherever you want it to go. Where ever it helps you spread a message you feel strongly about. This sticker is about you and me and the ocean. It’s bout the animals who need us to stand up and care for them. It’s about us taking care of ourselves.

This post is also criticism about the conversation surrounding what lives matter and what lives don’t. So this is not for the faint of heart. Use your voice proudly to stand up for all that matters to you.

20% of every sale is being donated to three organizations Sara Stroman feels strongly about: 5% of every sale goes to The Ocean Conservancy, 5% The Nature Conservancy, and 10% to Litterati.

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