Pandora's Box: Equinox/Solstice 4 Box Series

Pandora's Box: Equinox/Solstice 4 Box Series


Pandora’s Box is the newest product in the HeartedS2 universe!

Part stationery, herbal medicine, and self-exploration, and 100% magick, these boxes will explore a different goddess for each season, even though they will always be named “Pandora’s Box.”

Each box will lend to the season and will include pieces and products from our brand, as well as locally sourced from other herbalists and individuals creating spiritual content in alignment with the goddess and season of focus.

A purchase of all four season boxes, includes access to the Substack subscription which offers more details specific to magick and divine feminine exploration.

Individuals who purchase one box or more individually, will be included in our coven meetings to commune and come together to discuss the box contents.

Additional details about Pandora and her box set can be found as part of the Pandora’s Box Subscription portion of our blog on Substack. Join us there for more!

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Glorious! Tea Blend, 8oz

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"It Was Always Me" Herbal Syrup, 8oz - Hecate Goddess

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"Invisible String" Herbal Tincture, 2oz - Persephone Goddess

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"Comfort & Luz" Hot Beverage Mix, 4oz - Estsanatlehi Goddess

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"Hungry Heart" Herbal Tincture, 2oz - Chalchiuitlicue Goddess
