Photo by Jordan Schmidt, of ayveesstudio

Make an impression without leaving a mark.

As a growing business that believes in changing the world through word and action, S2 never has more than needed. We work to use every piece purchased to create your unique design, from the embellishments on the stationery, to the box it’s delivered in. Those parts that inevitably end up on the cutting room floor are always recycled per New Jersey recycling guidelines. Additionally, the majority of S2 supplies are all recycled or partially recycled materials purchased from other environmentally dedicated businesses.

As we all have an individual responsibility to the environment, it’s important to contribute personally to the planet. Sara tries to recycle everything, purchase groceries and goods locally via farmers markets, and eat only what is in season whenever possible. Globally, She wants people to understand the importance of recycling and work to drive education on recycling and consumption best practices in their own neighborhoods.

It’s with these same achievable aims Sara fashions all of her business lines; as the business develops, she will make every effort to be environmentally conscientious as possible, from researching and sourcing eco-friendly options for printing, paper, and plants for her herbal medicines.

At its core, HeartedS2 is a company dedicated to preserving not only the art of the written word, but the resources that help send those words along. This mix of short and long-term aims mirror her dedication to balance – as the business grows, so does Sara’s contribution to the world. HeartedS2 products are a reflection of this: simple, sustainable and happy. So wake up, feel the paper and spread the love!