The title for today’s post is courtesy of a song by The Cure, Doing the Unstuck, one of my favorite songs by them. Below is a video I recorded from one of their three concerts at Madison Square Garden last June (2023).
I pick this as today’s theme because as I started to write this post yesterday, we were two hours away from the full moon in Scorpio. We are still under the full moon energy, so this post still works.
The message of this full moon energy is letting go. Of composting what no longer works for us—be them patterns, stories, events, traumas, fears—whatever they are, let them go! This rings true for me. In fact, Monday, Earth Day, I launched my official campaign for the Council Person at Large position in the city I live in. That’s right, I’m officially a US political candidate! Something that is equally terrifying and exhilarating.
With this one decision/act, I decided to throw myself into the ring. To push myself beyond any boundaries or mental constraints. I realized this is what 2024 has been for me thus far—putting myself out there for the things I believe in and truly want.
Which is why, as much as I haven’t really centered astrology on this website yet, this feels important. A lot of my work is spiritually and astrology inspired. I have always been that girl that believes in my daily horoscope. And I’ve always been that girl that believed that the Universe will present me with what I need to know. It does daily. I need no further proof because I have my faith.
As I sit under this full moon energy, I understood that the time is now to throw off the chains and shake off the slough and dive into this life. I spent 10 years or so, wandering. Yes, I was living and loving and surrounded by people I care about and who care about me, but I was barely alive. I was miserable. I cried a lot. I was sad. I was in hiding. It’s amazing how at any given moment, multiple things can be true. I was in love with my life and miserable at the time. I was hopeful, but full of doubt. I was alive, but feeling dead inside.
Last year, when I took this video, I was at the first night of two concerts by The Cure that I attended. That first night felt spiritual—in fact, I cried at the end of the night, when I realized I was saying goodbye to the spirit and energy of a past love, my first love. That love is what brought me to The Cure. That guy loved that band so much that when he asked me to listen to them as a favor I did, and I too fell in love. In 1999, he and I went to see The Cure at Merriweather Post Pavillion in Maryland, and then 24 years later I attended a concert at Madison Square Garden and let him go. It was an incredibly freeing moment and one I didn’t realize I needed.
I had no clue last summer that I needed to let Jamison go to allow something/someone new to come in. And sure enough, as I let him go, I called out to someone else, someone who my heart calls to every single day, who my heart has called to for the last few years.
And yesterday, I felt the same way under the full moon. As Luna peeked out at me through the windows, I said goodbye to a few things—all mostly mental. I said goodbye to doubt, fear, staying small, not feeling enough, saying yes to everything even when I was dying to say no. I also said goodbye to past hurts, to things that have left me questioning my worth, or my abilities. All things that have stood in the way of me living my authentic life. In all of this too, I said goodbye to all the ways I’ve hurt or have hurt people. With every goodbye, I asked for forgiveness of self and others.
In forgiving and letting go, I’m not just choosing to surrender and allow, but to begin again and actively engage in renewal. To say yes to all that brings me alive and to live again. I give so much Thanks to The Cure and the moon and the cells in my body that are whispering, “yes, dear, Sara, you got this!”
I wish the same to you—a gentle nudge to remember who you are and to believe again on this perfect day for letting go. xx S2