Holiday - Cookies. Hearts. Ghouls. Turkeys. Twinkling lights. Trees. Menorahs. Songs. Salutes. Slogans. You - Stationery.

Holiday stationery should reflect everything you want to share. It should not be limited to wit and pictures.  Browse our collection of holiday cards, both custom and ready to buy and a few photo options, too!

To ask questions about a holiday custom design projects, or for more information, send Sara an email through the mail page.To purchase non-custom holiday cards, visit the Etsy Shop.

Sara Stroman lives and breathes S2 Stationery. She loves paper. She loves what she can do with paper, and she loves every aspect of the creative process. Even more so, Sara loves how a well made, unique, and heartfelt piece of stationery can genuinely connect people in a kind and beautiful way that solidifies a moment and gives keepsake boxes a reason for existence…for those pieces of stationery and the connections they bring are meant to be kept. One day near the holiday season, I called Sara with an idea for a card with e.e. cummings’ poem, “little tree,” inscribed on it. I sent her the poem, and she created a magical card with the poem dancing next to a shimmering tree. It was perfect. It was by far the best card I’ve sent, and those who received it agreed. They contacted me to let me know how much they appreciated the card and the sentiment it conveyed. Some even framed it. It was special, and it was something only Sara could make with the kind of passion, commitment, and love that she puts into every piece of S2 stationery. Sara’s one of a kind and so is her work.
— Dodie Jones