Greeting cards. Everyone loves greeting cards. (Right?) S2 offers an assortment of greeting cards that leaves much to the imagination. Your cards should express your feelings, not ours.

Sending a card is serious business. Cards should be equal parts inspiring, inviting and beautiful. And not all cards are created equal. I know that you have many options when it comes to greeting cards - online shops, gift shops and boutiques, drug stores, box stores and even your kids who make them by hand. Heck you can make your own greeting cards, if you decided to! 

When you purchase an S2 Stationery greeting card, you're choosing the route with less noise. S2 cards are simple, elegant and speak to those who care to share not just a gorgeous, high quality card, but who want their voices to be heard.  It's your words and feelings that matter. Your loved ones want your honesty and feelings, not mine.

Greeting cards are designed as I am inspired. They will always be available in the Etsy shop, with photos available for viewing below as they are created.

To ask questions about a particular card, ask about a custom design card project, or for more information, send Sara an email through the mail page.

Perfect for a special occasion.
— Lauri S